Thursday, October 14, 2010

Article Post

I thought this was a good article because the author brought up some good points, which make  you think and put into question a lot of things you have done. Some of these cognitive biases are definitely ones that are easily to relate to. For example how many sports bandwagoners are there where they liked and believed in a team due to the fact of friends or they were the best. I believe that confirmation bias happens a lot as well. Many people hear things that are rumors or lies and then maybe they will hear a false statement in a magazine or from tv and they will continue to believe it. Cognitive dissonance happens all over, like people of the church are against many normal mainstream and okay things because of their religion says its wrong. I am no better, I believed that Israel was a somewhat unsafe place, due to media influence and rumors. After I went to Israel this past summer, I got to form my own opinion and it was the complete opposite of what I believed before. I believe that concept that influenced me was partly the Bandwagon effect as well as confirmation bias. As far as the department of information goes, I believe that will never happen. Even though we need people that look up all the facts and make better decisions in our government. The Department of information would be a good idea if there was a way to make it extremely professional.


  1. I like that you're willing to admit to falling for some of these things. I know I have done it before too and I also see it a lot, especially with the younger age groups.

  2. Its kindof sad how skeptical people have to be now a days, but I have been fooled too many times to simply trust anyone. I feel that having a Department of Information is great in theory but could be extremely hard to regulate
