Monday, September 27, 2010

Afghan War

I had trouble finding the same kind of article on all three websites, so I only used one that I found on CNN and MSNBC news. Both the articles are about US soldiers murdering innocent and un threatning civilians. The CNN article mainly focused on a specific account with not a lot of background detail unless you watch the video for the article on the website as well. The dialogue in the article was about a soldier who is being charged with murder and talks about how one of the guys they killed. THe man was not armed or dangerous and he was not a threat as said in the article.
The MSNBC article is about the same soldier mentioned in the CNN one and this one is less direct dialogue but more details and facts about the case and whats to be expected. They talk about the soldier, Jeremy Murlock, and what he faces for what he did, which was mentioned, and why he did it.
I don't think that Fox news had it because I don't see a lot of specific war articles on that website so maybe its not a big story for them at this time. In the end this is a big story because if we have US soldiers doing things like this, things we are trying to prevent, what progress are we making?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Media Free-Bee

In Ohio a 21 year old mother is charged with teaching her 2 year old daughter to smoke marijuana. There was a video released on CNN and on HLN's Private News. Jessica Gamble, the mother, is charged with child endangerment, evidence tampering and "corrupting another with drugs. If convicted she is faces up to 11 years in prison. Joe Deters of the Hamilton County Prosecutor's office reported that Gamble was indicted after a video she sent, of her daughter smoking,  to a friend, who then reported her to the authorities. This is a crazy story, because how stupid does a parent have to be to let and advocate there infant 2 year old daughter smoke pot. Hopefully her daughter is taken away from her and she is put in prison.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Serial Murder

Is This Ohio Gardener the Latest Serial Killer?

    This article is about Nolan Ray George, a garderner  at an Amelia, Ohio, apartment complex. He is a convicted felon, for multiple murders. Now he is said to be the killer in 5 recent homicide cases in Michigan, Kentucky and Ohio, according to the Oakland County, Michigan prosecutor's office. The police forces from all states are investigating and hoping to bring up enough evidence to send this guy away for ever. This article mainly focuses on George due to the fact that these recent murder cases kind of have his signature on them. He was convicted of murders, which involved strangulation. These recent cases do as well. Some other facts about the suspect is of his past murders of two young pregnant women, named Cindy Rose and Francis Brown. Other than that they just mention some details about his recent activity.

Current Event Story

As recent news has shown there have been really bad hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean. One of which has hit a major tourist site, as well as home to many. That wonderful place is Bermuda. Igor really lashed Bermuda as recent news stories have shown. As all the stories: one from yahoo news, one from MSNBC, and one from CBC news, all said that this was a very big hurricane. All the stories remain consistent in the facts of the hurricane and the damages. Hurricane Igor, said to be a category 1 hurricane, had winds up to 75 mph and gusts up to 93 mph. This hurricane caused many trees and branches to come down, destroyed streets and property as well. The common link to this story is that all the sources seem to want to excentuate the facts of the story and the harm it as brought to Bermuda.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Graffiti Creator

    This website advocates graffiti. Graffiti is also known to some people as vandalism. To others like the people who started this website, and its fans and followers, graffiti is known as art. This site shows interested people different forms of graffiti, different styles, different artists, and espeically how it has changed over the generations. It also has a part where you can make some graffiti of your own and even send it to people. It also has different links to a variety of paint can stores and different graffiti links. This site is also informative in the way that is has news articles about the site and the graffiti world. The purpose of this site is show the people who think graffiti is just vandalism, that it is not. It is a form of art, the art that is just expressed on buildings, walls, signs, trucks, etc. It is an expression of someone and how they see the world. This activity should not be labeled as deviant but just as art. Expressionist art that people can start to observe and feel what the artist is feeling, like they already due in the art community. Another interesting reason why this should be just considered art is because as one can see, this is not easy at all to do, it takes a lot of time and effort. It also looks amazing...

9/11 Anniversary: Media Manipulation and Lies

     The critisim in this article is towards the citizens. How people on such a mournful day act like immature savages that do not know how to behave themselves. Few actually participated in the negative aspect of the whole day was burning pages of the koran. The only reason for doing this is due to the mosque that was said to be built at the site of ground zero. A lot of people are protesting this and many discussion all over and in Washington D.C. are still continuing on this topic. The level of critisim in this article is pretty high, and it juts out at Imam Rauf and talks about how much of a negative person he is. "If Imam Rauf were more honest, he would also admit that this project has also been useful for his own political ambitions. And as such, these ambitions are more about Islamism than they are about Islam." Obama on 9/11 memorial day this year he and his wife both gave speeches, explaining that America is not at war with Islam. It has never and will never be at war with them. Also that the Islam community might think America is at war with them but Obama assures them they are not. This mosque idea has brought so much controversy in America, obviously most of America does not like that idea. Nothing against Islam but maybe the memorial site should be one of the people who lost their lives that day.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Media Fast

Friday 7:30 p.m. --Saturday 7:30 p.m.

This media fast was hard. To try and not use media when the world that we grew up in is a media savvy one. I chose this day and time because it was right after dinner, I was going out that night and then I would come back and go to bed. I woke up late on saturday around 12:30 p.m. Waking up and remembering that I was avoiding technology all day seemed like it was going to be a challenge. Instead of watching t.v. and eating breakfast, I ate my breakfast/lunch and then started doing my homework. I did a lot of reading and then after that me and my friends went to play basketball. I did have to use my car together but it was a small sacrifice. I did check and somewhat use my cell phone more than I should of but its hard to just ignore family and friends when they keep texting you. The hardest thing to give up besides the phone was television. After I got back from the gym that was the hardest, not being able to watch t.v. until 7:30 p.m. I was so tempted so I just read more. After the whole experience its hard to imagine life without media and technology, especially when I've grown up using it. I know its better to go out and do things more than sit inside and watch t.v., go on the computer or play video games, but life without media and technology would be a very intense thing to get use to.

Media Day 9/2/10

11:00 a.m. - Turned of my alarm and checked my cell phone, cell phone use will continue all day.

12:00 p.m. - Watched t.v. for one hour.

1:30 p.m. -Drove to class.

2:00 p.m.- teacher used projector in class.

4:00 p.m. -Drove home

5:00 p.m. -Went on my computer and and then played video games for an hour and a half.

6:30 p.m. - I cooked dinner i used the stove and the microwave.

8:00 p.m. watched a movie with my roommates.

10:00 p.m. went on my computer for 30 minutes.

10:30 p.m. watched t.v. for an hour.