Monday, September 13, 2010

Graffiti Creator

    This website advocates graffiti. Graffiti is also known to some people as vandalism. To others like the people who started this website, and its fans and followers, graffiti is known as art. This site shows interested people different forms of graffiti, different styles, different artists, and espeically how it has changed over the generations. It also has a part where you can make some graffiti of your own and even send it to people. It also has different links to a variety of paint can stores and different graffiti links. This site is also informative in the way that is has news articles about the site and the graffiti world. The purpose of this site is show the people who think graffiti is just vandalism, that it is not. It is a form of art, the art that is just expressed on buildings, walls, signs, trucks, etc. It is an expression of someone and how they see the world. This activity should not be labeled as deviant but just as art. Expressionist art that people can start to observe and feel what the artist is feeling, like they already due in the art community. Another interesting reason why this should be just considered art is because as one can see, this is not easy at all to do, it takes a lot of time and effort. It also looks amazing...


  1. I agree that a person has to be very skilled and artistic to do graffiti correctly and for it to look right. The deviant aspect of graffiti come from doing it on public places and doing it on other people property, one of my friends back home made graffiti on his own property and it looked just as good as some of graffiti out there.

  2. I think it depends on how offensive the advocated graffiti is. It also depends on where the graffiti is to be drawn. Graffiti can definitely be considered a modern form of art. Some graffiti can be a beautiful addition to a community but most spur of the moment graffiti is generally considered deviant.

  3. I want to make my own graffiti! I'm going to go do this when I get a free minute!

  4. I think you did a good job at picking something that most people would not think of as being deviant. I know for a fact that I see graffiti all the time back at home and for most people it appears as art and not vandalism, which is another good point that you brought up in your blog!
