Monday, September 13, 2010

9/11 Anniversary: Media Manipulation and Lies

     The critisim in this article is towards the citizens. How people on such a mournful day act like immature savages that do not know how to behave themselves. Few actually participated in the negative aspect of the whole day was burning pages of the koran. The only reason for doing this is due to the mosque that was said to be built at the site of ground zero. A lot of people are protesting this and many discussion all over and in Washington D.C. are still continuing on this topic. The level of critisim in this article is pretty high, and it juts out at Imam Rauf and talks about how much of a negative person he is. "If Imam Rauf were more honest, he would also admit that this project has also been useful for his own political ambitions. And as such, these ambitions are more about Islamism than they are about Islam." Obama on 9/11 memorial day this year he and his wife both gave speeches, explaining that America is not at war with Islam. It has never and will never be at war with them. Also that the Islam community might think America is at war with them but Obama assures them they are not. This mosque idea has brought so much controversy in America, obviously most of America does not like that idea. Nothing against Islam but maybe the memorial site should be one of the people who lost their lives that day.

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